Firstly, I just wanted to wish my daughter a HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY again. Sure, it was yesterday and I told her about a hundred times, but I just wanted it to be on my blog, too. She had an awesome day, and so did we. :)
Well, here we are again. At the beginning of yet another week. Not long to go of this month, so I really have to make a decision about whether or not I'll be taking part in NaNoWriMo. I'm a little undecided because I really want to take part, this'll make it my 5th year in a row if I do, but my head's a little scattered at the moment. And I'm pretty sure that some edits will make their way towards me during that month.
Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions.
At least I met my three goals for last week: the first round of edits for THE SOUL DEALER: Redemption were done and emailed to my editor, The Hidden outline/proposal for the next three books was done and emailed, and I finished reading + reviewing BY MIDNIGHT. (see below)
Oh, and before I forget, I got my first (very awesome) review for THE SOUL DEALER: Deception: "Yolanda Sfetsos took a great idea and ran with it, turning it into a killer story. The Soul Dealer: Deception is a great spooky Halloween story." 5 Hearts, Marissa, Sizzling Hot Book Reviews. You can read the whole review here.
Now that I'm faced with a new week, it's time to set some new goals. We'll see what I can manage. I've got a few things in mind, but I need to put a small list together. Though I do know that I need to get two interviews done and emailed sometime within the next few days. Maybe this'll also be the week when I manage to get that short story written. Maybe. Hopefully.
But for now, have a great week!
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