
Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Today, I'm being interviewed at the Menagerie Authors Blog. Pop in and say 'Hi!' if you have a sec. :D

Wow, having two hours to squeeze in some serious writing/revision is definitely not enough time. But that's pretty much all of the alone time I'll have for the next few weeks.

Still, it's not all that bad. While my daughter finds other stuff to do, I do get time to blog, update, and tick some things off my to-do list.

The first thing I ticked off my list this morning was finishing up the Sci-Fi rewrite/revision novel. I knew that it would be a good idea to put it aside until today, because last night when I was falling asleep, I remembered a few things that needed a final look. I fixed those as soon as I woke up this morning, and then subbed it to one of my publishers. Now it's time to cross my fingers and be nervous until I hear back. lol.

In the meantime, the only thing I have left to do is finalise the notes for this first installment and write down/possibly write the first chapter for the second book. It also appeared inside my head last night. You gotta love it when that happens!

Yesterday, I picked up WINTERCRAFT. I have to admit that three chapters in, I'm already looking forward to reading the rest of the story. That's always an excellent sign. :) And after we got back from our walk this morning, I started to read REBEL to my daughter. We both love this one already.

So, there's some happy reading ahead.

One of the Static Movement Anthologies I had a story accepted in is already closed. You can read the TOC here. And the cover's just above it. I really, really like this cover. Very creepy and bright, for all the wrong reasons. ;)
Well, that's it for today.

One day until SoG is released... and until I'm a year older.

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