
Friday, 11 June 2010

Good Morning!

Phew! It's been a crazy few weeks. Did you miss my daily posting? I bet you didn't even realise I wasn't here. ;)

Anyway. I hope you enjoyed reading all my BOUNDLESS guest spots. They were all a lot of fun, and I'd like to say a huge 'Thank you' to everyone who hosted my guest blogs and interviews. I had a blast talking about Alyce, her dilemma, the other characters, and her world. Fun stuff!

If you missed any of them, or would just like to read them now, you can find all the links HERE. :)

Oh, and speaking of BOUNDLESS, it's now available in paperback at Amazon. Yay! It's not up at The Book Depository yet, but should be sometime soon.

Well, I've been busy trying to keep up with all of the above, as well as tidying up a few things that I let slip during my long few months of revision. I'm mostly caught up, but I haven't come up with a plan for the next few months. That's definitely something I need to look at because there are so many projects that I want to finish up, and/or revise...

I'm also taking part in Kaz's Summer Camp over on LJ. And these are my goals. The Camp takes place between June 1st and August 31st, and we check in every Tuesday. It's an awesome idea, and I know it's going to be fun. Besides, who doesn't want to attend summer camp in the middle of winter? ;)

Well, this week has been a little mixed, but I spent a chunk of it getting through the first round of edits for my upcoming, SHADE OF GREY novel. It was cool to catch up with Gypsy and Calvin, plus delve into all that UFO/Grey alien stuff. I enjoyed it so much that yesterday, I decided to pull out the notes I have for the next two books (it's a trilogy with a different heroine & hero in each installment) and added a bunch of stuff.

The second installment is actually already written--the first draft, anyway. So I might have to squeeze in the revision cycle sometime soon, so I can sub it. And the third installment is still all notes and fragments inside my head. But I think that if I take note of everything, I can make this my NaNoWriMo novel for 2010.

Anyway, that's enough thinking out loud for now. We've got a long weekend here, so that'll be fun. Three full days of hubby, daughter, kitty, and me finding fun things to do. I'll also like to read this. Yay.

Have a great one!

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