
Friday, 19 February 2010

INFECTED by Scott Sigler

They dropped from the atmosphere like microscopic snow. Billions of seeds, smaller than specks of dust, spiralling down from the heavens. A few survived, and began to grow. Now three people face a race against time. Dew Phillips, an agent with a classified unit of the CIA, and Margaret Montoya, a government biologist, must try to stop a modern plague that drives its victims to insanity, murder and suicide. And Perry Dawsey, an ex-footballer in a dead-end job, must race to find a cure for the rash that has appeared on his arm. And his back. And his neck. And which is getting bigger. And then the voices start. Scott Sigler is the new voice in new horror - his UK debut is a terrifying, menacing thriller about millions of alien parasites infecting the general population, driving the victims to murder and suicide...and waiting to hatch...

This story's like those movies where you see bugs on the screen and all of a sudden feel itchy. You know what I'm talking about, right? You see/read it and you're scratching at your arm. lol.

Well, that's exactly what happened when I read this book. It's also what's happening to Perry Dawsey. One day he wakes up with an itch in one spot, which spreads to another spot, and before he realises what's going on, he's itching all over the place. And he's hearing voices. Voices telling him to do things he normally wouldn't do. Add paranoia and violence into the mix, and he's infected with something really nasty.

In the meantime, Dew Phillips (CIA) and Margaret Montoya (CCID) team up to try and figure out what this new disease is. Of course, that would be easier if Margaret could actually conduct the autopsies, instead of the bodies turning to mush before she gets the chance.

The story unfolds pretty quickly, shifting gears to show the developments of all the characters while also sprinkling some explanations about the seedlings that are causing this infection to spread in the first place.

Infected is a fast-paced thriller, horror story with a good dash of science fiction. It'll keep you guessing and make you uneasy as you follow Perry's descend into madness. No matter what, I bet you'll come out itching at the end of it. :)

Infected, April 2010, ISBN 978-034-096353-1, Hodder Paperbacks Paperback (A)

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