
Monday, 12 October 2009

Not much to say... but enough

I can't believe how quickly the weekend went by! My gosh. Did I blink and it was over? Sometimes it feels that way.

I also don't undestand why the weather's gone all shitty and refuses to get any better. Woke up this morning to a beautiful blue sky. Now, it's overcast and cold. Ugh! WTF?

Anyway, enough complaining. :)

It's a new week and I've got a new to-do list.

I've already crossed two things off the list, which is awesome for a Monday. My main objective is to get the third draft of M-YA finished. I've now hit page 231/297, so it's moving along nicely. I'm really trying to get it done by Wednesday. See how I go. Since this is also the last week of my daughter's school holidays.

Well, there's not much going on. I'm still busy revising, reading, watching TV shows, going for walks, hanging out with my daughter & hubby, as well as trying not to think about that other idea I got last weekend. Lol. Got too much going on at the moment to add that. :)

Okay. I think it's time for a snack and another walk! Bye for now.

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