
Friday, 20 February 2009

The sun's back!

Yeah! The clouds have totally gone and the sun is nice and bright. It's pretty hot too. :) So I've gotten the chance to catch up on some laundry. I don't know how long this will last, but it beats the taste of winter we've had during the last week.

Well, today's Friday and we're back into the routine of dropping hubby off at work so we can pick him up later. It's a nice way to get the weekend started. That also means that I lose a chunk of writing time but since it's more time spent with hubby, I don't mind. That means that instead of squeezing in 20 pages during the day, I only got 13 done.

Not bad, I suppose. This means that I'm now sitting on page 270/460. The word count's passed 91k now, which is kinda strange because I've been ruthless with deleting whole paragraphs.

Today I'm hoping to reach page 300. That's the goal. I just need to make sure that my daughter grabs a book or watches something later on so I can concentrate on this.

Okay. Better get to it! Have an awesome weekend.

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