
Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Ah, another day

Today was my daughter's first day back to school. Yep. It's the start of term two, and she seemed to have a good day. Though she didn't seem very excited to be going this morning... I guess it's hard to get out of that holiday mood sometimes. Lol.

Anyway. I was a bad girl and ordered some more stuff from Vista. Man, that place is so addictive. The prices for most of their stuff can be pretty steep, but if you take advantage of their offers, you can get a whole bunch of stuff and only pay for postage. That's what I like to do. :D But this isn't a great place to visit for someone who loves stationery. ;)

I wasn't planning to, but after I got all my internet stuff done last night, I grabbed another book from my TBR pile. Wow. I'm really loving it. So far I'm up to page 90, I think. The story's fascinating, the lead character intriguing, and the pace... I love the pace! So much has happened so far. I gotta say, I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait to see what else Jax gets up to. Man, even her name is cool! If you want to read more about this tale and author, check out her website here. Awesome!

As for my own writing, I got started on another revision. I didn't get much done, but 11/63 pages isn't too bad. :) I'll get stuck into some more later tonight. And hopefully squeeze in some more reading too. Have a nice day!

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