I've been meaning to sign up for this the last few years, but at the last second always decided not to. For one reason or another, but this year it feels right. My daughter's at school during the day, so there's definitely plenty of time to get stuck into the draft Mon-Fri. And since I've been pushing myself through so many revisions lately, I think it'll be great to lose myself in a fresh first draft!
I'm actually excited about it!
And having this week to mellow out a bit is going to help too.
Tomorrow I think I'll start sitting down to organise myself properly! Yeah, that sounds like fun. I've also gotta come up with a tentative title for the novel, so I can update my profile over at the Nano website. Which reminds me, there's a few of you guys I'd like to add to my buddy list... so, if you're taking part in it too let me know your username.
I'm *Y*. I know, a little strange, but Y was too short and Yolanda was already taken! So, *Y* it is! Had a bit of trouble uploading a small enough image, but I think it's alright now!
Anyway, looking forward to it!
Whee! another nanoer. Do you hang around on the forums at all? It's dangerous, let me tell you. I'm Garnigal. As always. :)
Thanks Garnigal! I've now added you to my buddy list! :) As for the forums, nah, haven't had a chance to check 'em out yet!
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