
Thursday, 13 July 2006

Thinkin' about writing...

Yeah, I thought I'd post something a little earlier today. The hubby gets out of work earlier nowadays and with my daughter home she starts asking for snacks at around 3:30pm - when I usually start my post.


Since I haven't done much writing during the last few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about it. Thinking about submitting to agents and publishers, story ideas ready to be written, novels ready to be revised, novellas in the same boat... y'know, just the usual crazy stuff that circles inside a writer's head. And while I know what I want to do next week - finish magic by reading through it one more time - I'm not sure what's going to be next.

Then I was thinking about the novels I've already written. Every one of those is special to me in its own way. And almost every single one of them has sparked off ideas leading into a trilogy or series. I've written one trilogy and a spin-off for vamp and have ideas about other characters in this world too... then there's the world of ghost. This one's a little more involved and in first person, so I really got into the heroine's head and enjoyed the world so much I want this one to be more than just a trilogy. I've got pages of ideas for at least four books... but the time, where is that exactly? I think I already squash in as much as I can with my time!

It's very exciting, to have a muse so eager to hand over new ideas. Yet, time management can become a problem sometimes. And when I have too many ideas and things inside my head and can't do much to get them out, I start to feel cluttered. My head feels like that at the moment -- there's too much in there. So, since I've met the majority of my 2006 goals already, it may be time to sit down and make a list again.

I find this really helps. Also, writing in a journal or this blog also helps clear some of the clutter and sets my mind in some sort of direction. It's really bizarre.

On another note, Rachel Vincent is having agent week over at her blog Work In Progress. She'll be talking about her journey after finding an agent and will even have her own agent, Miriam Kriss from the Irene Goodman Literary Agency, visit to answer questions. It's a terrific and helpful idea. Anyone who's aspiring to become a published writer should check this out, I know I'll be reading!

Okay, gonna go and either read some more of Lost Calling -- more than halfway through now. Or maybe I'll pull out the lappy and sit on the couch, while my daughter watches TEEN TITANS, and sort through my files and ideas. I also want to print one of my other first draft MS out, so it's ready to go for revisions...

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