
Tuesday, 3 January 2006


Well, after having a wonderful 3-day weekend with the hubby home, it's time to get back into the swing of things.

It's a New Year! YAY! I hope everyone had nice celebrations.

You all got things planned and outlined for this year already?

We had a scorcher of a long weekend here in Sydney. Temperatures reached over 40 degress Celcius on Sunday! Phew... very hot. But very Aussie summer, so I'm alright with that. I suppose some of you guys actually saw snow huh?

Now, here's a list of things I'd like to get done during 2006:

* Finalise ghost novel
* Write first chapter for second ghost novel
* Finalise vamp query letter and synopsis
* Write query letter and synopsis for ghost
* Start sending both novels out the door to agents
* Write first draft for second and third vamp books back-to-back
* Revise magic (currently at first draft stage)
* Keep writing short stories between novel projects
* Continue to sub short stories to online markets
* Revise novella lore (currently at first draft stage)

* Continue to read great books

* Continue working out daily
* Lose another 10 kilos throughout the year

* Help my daughter settle into Kindy
* Spend as much time as I can with the hubby and daughter!

So far this year I've read An Angel in Stone by Peggy Nicholson. This was another Bombshell and I absolutely loved it. It was my personal reward for getting the ghost draft done last week. And it was soooo different to what I was working on that it was perfect. Great book! Haven't read a crappy one yet! Very cool.

Today I re-read my query letter and synopsis for vamp. Not bad, but not that great either. Still, I've tweaked it a little more. I'd like to have these two things completely polished and bright by the end of the week... and a 2-page synopsis... as well as the first draft for my Persephone short story that's been simmering inside my head for about a week now!

So -- not too many things on my to-achieve-list this week. But hey, it's the beginning of the year right?

Welcome to 2006 everyone!


Shawn said...

2006 is so gonna ROCK!

Yolanda Sfetsos said...


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