How are you? I hope you're still finding some happiness in this terrible world. I can't believe that this year has started in such an awful way, but I suppose that's what happens when people vote against their best interest. Or don't bother to really listen when someone tells them they're a fucking asshole. Or can't be bothered voting. Or maybe, just maybe, they let their hate and racism win over common-fucking-sense.
I could go on and on about this, but with every theory we'll all get angrier and depressed about the fact that our society is getting dumber by the moment.
So, let's move on.
Since I finished my latest WIP a few weeks ago, I've been catching up on a few things. I read and blurbed two very cool upcoming books. They were awesome, and I enjoyed the hell out of both. I also updated my domain name because having my own website is very important to me. And started sorting out several clustered areas around the apartment that are starting to weigh on me mentally.
Does that happen to you? I can usually function just fine with piles of small clutter, but eventually it starts to bug me. I'm nowhere near done, but the only way to do this is to tackle one bit at a time. I actually like sorting through stuff, but it's mentally exhausting.
I've also read a few books:
CATS LIKE CREAM by Renee Miller:
And I'm halfway through BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley. I'm also totally addicted to HELLO KITTY HAPPINESS PARADE. My husband found this game on special the other day, and I've been playing it ever since. 😅
Oh, and the coolest thing that happened this week is that my debut short story collection was released on Tuesday!!! OMG. I'm SO excited.
I mean, look at this beautiful book:
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