
Tuesday, 28 January 2025

CATS LIKE CREAM by Renee Miller

Cats Like CreamCats Like Cream by Renee Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was going through my Paperwhite today and randomly opened this book. Before I knew it, I was 25% in, so I kept going.

Elwin is a realtor and he has a bad habit of watching people as they go about their lives via hidden cameras he installed in their houses. But watching isn't enough sometimes and when he touches, things fall apart very quickly...

OMFG. This book is in the POV of a despicable and very gross man. A serial killer who likes to watch from afar. He also enjoys the taste of hair a little too much. I pretty much hated him the moment he appears on the first page, as he goes about his murderous ways, and all the way to that bittersweet ending.

He's one fucked-up individual.

Yet, as much as I hated this asshole, I also couldn't stop reading his story because this disturbing book hooked me in and everything moved at a good pace. I ended up reading this novella in one sitting.

I really liked the storytelling style too, and how brutal it is. No sugarcoating here.

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