
Thursday, 9 May 2024


Bury the ChildBury the Child by L.C. Marino
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was in the mood for a novella this evening, and decided to get stuck into this one.

When Lydia and Wade lose their young daughter, Adeline, the couple struggle to adapt to their life without her. Instead of getting closer, they seem to be drifting apart. Then Lydia starts to see and hear things inside their home that make her hope for the impossible...

Wow. What a sad and creepy little story this turned out to be. As soon as I started, I kept reading until I got to the chilling end. I couldn't stop. Didn't want to stop.

Lydia's story is packed with so much emotion, that at times, I felt dizzy from it. Her loss is deep and infects the reader with so much sorrow, before it takes on a surreal edge that really made this story shine. I absolutely loved it and can't wait to read the next book in this intense series.

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