
Friday 25 August 2023

More Revision!

Hey! How are you?

Well, the sun is shining and it's Friday, so that's very cool. What did you get up to this week? Anything exciting?

My week turned out to be quite hectic. As you already know from last week's post, I'm in the middle of revising a novella. But early this week, I had to divide my time between two projects. I had to add an edit for a different novella, followed by the final proofread. 

So, yeah, super busy. Kinda mentally exhausting too, but I don't mind because I enjoy spending time in my fictional worlds. Also, tightening the story to make it better is something I love doing. 😁

Anyway. Back to the revision.

The word count is now: 47,608.

Although I trimmed quite a few sentences and moved others around, I also ended up adding new words. At this stage, if something doesn't make sense or stops the flow, I cut it. If a word or passage makes me pause, it needs to go. Or has to be replaced.

I'm very happy with how this story is shaping up. I love how the foundations of this idea grew from a very sad situation in my life, but became something else. A dark story that really surprised me.

Writing really is kinda magical. Hard and pesky work, but always very rewarding.

Okay, that's about it. I just like to post these progress updates to hold myself accountable and celebrate my achievements. Whether big or small, I think it's important to reward yourself at every stage of completion. Otherwise, the creative well dries up and leads to restlessness.

At least, that's what happens to me.

My reward for this week's hard work is taking today off. Then, on Monday, I'll start reading this novella one last time on my Paperwhite. I'm hoping to finish it completely by next Friday.🤞

Have a great weekend!

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