
Wednesday, 31 May 2023

May Update!

Hey! How are you today? How did the month of May treat you? Can you believe it's almost over? Yikes!

The weather is changing here in Sydney, and the days are getting shorter. We've almost hit winter, which you might know is my least favourite season. I don't like cold weather, prefer the longer days of summer. 😩

Well, what did I get up to this month? After the multiple edits I did in April, this month I decided to slow things down a bit. I spent some of my time updating files, catching up on things I'd neglected, and managed to get some reading done. 

I also got a new story idea that I've started writing. It's one that came to me on a day when I was really sad about Loki. It's been three months since we lost him and that day I woke up from a horrible dream where we lost him all over again. I couldn't shake the sadness all day and I was really upset. Cried for a bit, until this idea hit me.

It's a strange and sad one, but it's helping me deal with the loss.

Actually, it's going very well and is expanding into unexpected territory. I crossed the 17k mark today, and I'm feeling good about it. Initially I thought it might be a novelette, but it's more likely going to be a novella. Not sure yet, but it doesn't matter because I'll keep writing until it's done.

BTW, did you see this? ⬇️

That's right! My horrormance slasher novel has found a home with Aesthetic Press, and will be released next year. Yay!! ☺️🎉

The plot goes a little like this: A group of high school friends meet up ten years later for a reunion dinner and are targeted by a mysterious maniac. ðŸ”ª

This story is my love letter to slashers, with a good dose of friendship and romantic entanglements.

As you can probably tell, I'm very excited!! Yay.

The other fantastic piece of news I have to share is that my small-time horror novella will be released by DarkLit Press in under a month.

Last week I read a copy of the paperback proof and it's lovely. Andrew puts together some absolutely stunning books and I can't wait to share this story with the world.

I hope you'll give Kae and Roy's story a go. Find out how Molly's reappearance messes with the town of Thicket.

Oh, and if you're interested in finding out a bit more about Molly, you can read the prequel short story to find out:

What happened to Molly?

When an injured teenager is spat out by the woods, she doesn't know who she is or where she's going. Until a Good Samaritan stops to help... and unleashes a darkness ready to consume anyone who gets in the way.

You can grab it HERE.

All of these exciting things make me very happy. ☺️

Did you all watch the Yellowjackets finale? What did you think? I loved it! The little twist was unexpected, but the ending was sad. Can't wait to watch the next season. Though we don't know when that'll be because of the writers strike.

Well, that's about it for now. I just wanted to post an update about what I've been doing, what's coming up, and what I'm working on at the moment.

Have an awesome day!!

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