
Friday, 11 March 2022

Took a Break & Ended Up Doing Stuff


Hey! How are you today? What have you been up to? It's Friday, so I'm looking forward to this afternoon so we can start the weekend. 😍

As you probably already know, I always like to take a few weeks off between writing projects. But this time, I did things a bit differently. I took three weeks off and although I did take a reading break, I also wrote and revised two short stories.

One of them is just under 4k, and the other just under 1.5k. Both were dark ideas that I couldn't shake and demanded to be written. One I started writing last month (600w) and finished last week, the other I wrote on my phone last weekend. I had a blast working on these two short tales. I love chipping away at the first draft during revision until they're even stronger/better than my initial idea. And since they were both for specific sub calls, I went with the flow and sent them in. They're longshots, but you gotta be in it and all that, right? Wish me luck.🤞

Anyway, these are the books I read:

(ETA: there's a book missing from this graphic because I read it after posting this.)

You can find my reviews below, or check them out on my Goodreads Reading Challenge page. These were all great in their own way, and although I still have HEAPS of books I want to read, and these don't even make a dent in my multiple TBR piles, I'm happy I read them. Also that there's a nice mix of Kindle and paperback versions.

So, what else have I been up to? Well, I spent a lot of time wishing for the sun to make a comeback. We've had a couple of nice days this week, but for almost two weeks all we had was rain and horrid downpours. It got so bad NSW suffered some pretty bad floods. The weather has been terrible, and winter hasn't even started yet. Not that we had much of a summer this time around. 😫

At this stage, I can't believe anyone has the audacity to pretend climate change isn't affecting us already. And don't even get me started on how the Covid case numbers are going up again since the 'government' decided to remove check-ins, number restrictions, and masks indoors in crowded places. Not to mention all the other terrible things going on in this world. Clueless/selfish people really need to stop voting for fascists. Ugh.

I enjoyed this nice and very productive break, so I'd like to get stuck into my next revision project next week. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Have an awesome weekend! ☺️

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