
Friday 12 November 2021

NaNoWriMo: Week Two

Well, the second week of NaNoWriMo is now over. At least, it is for me because I'll be taking the weekend off. I need a bit of time to get all my story thoughts in a row. LOL.

Oh, and guess what? Today I reached the 50k word target. And that means that I've completed my 15th NaNoWriMo. Yay!! 😃🎉

I'm really excited because this also means one of my November goals is now done. 

During NaNoWriMo month I usually have two goals. This is the first one, and my next goal will be to actually finish the first draft. I'm not sure how many words I have left to write, but I'm at that stage where I know everything that's up ahead, I just have to get there. That could end up being another 10, 15 or even 20k. I'm not sure but if I had to guess, I would say this draft will probably end up being either just below or just above 60k.

Anyway, here's my word count for the week:

Monday: 31,154 (added 5877w)
Tuesday: 36,277 (added 5123w)
Wednesday: 41,347 (added 5070w)
Thursday: 47,125 (added 5778w)
Friday: 52,037 (added 4912w)

As you can see, there were quite a few over 5k-word days. The stuff that's happening in this story is unfolding fast. There were quite a few surprises, additional complications, and events I was looking forward to adding. And some days I just couldn't stop writing until I chased the scene/s to the end.

This haunted house ghost story is turning out to be quite the weird little screwed-up tale. 👻 This cast of characters aren't good or bad, most have a bit of both but some come across much worse than others. And the main character has surprised me from the beginning because I was sure I knew all about her. As it turns out, I only knew what was on the surface. Getting below this surface is turning out to be quite the dark adventure.

I love this subgenre, so I'm having a blast writing my own.

You know, asides from all this writing, the only other stuff I've been doing is going for walks with hubby, yoga and playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It's such a fun and adorable game. 😁

Well, that's about it. 

Have a great weekend!

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