
Monday 8 March 2021



Doppelgangster (Esther Diamond, #2)Doppelgangster by Laura Resnick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A few weeks ago I read Disappearing Nightly and enjoyed Esther Diamond's first book so much I had to read the next one, pronto!

When Esther finds herself out of work because the play she was in is cancelled, she returns to her old job as a singing waitress in Little Italy. The tips are good, the work is honest and it's a way to pay the rent. But when she witnesses a mob hit, she finds herself in the middle of another weird murder investigation, and her cop boyfriend has been assigned to investigate what might just turn out to be another mystical situation...

Wow. I really enjoyed this! Like the first book, I was into this as soon as I started reading. It was SO much fun and it didn't take long for me to get lost in Esther's crazy world.

I'm not a huge gangster fan, but enjoyed how this angle was tackled in this story because her interactions with these mob guys at Bella Stella cracked me up. These aging mobsters might be dangerous and have huge body counts attached to their names, but their banter is hilarious and they're more bumbling fools with big appetites and even bigger egos, than smart killers.

Except for Lucky. I liked him.

Plus, the mystery is fascinating. The doppelgänger concept has always interested me, and the unique way it was treated here turned out to be very cool. It was a LOT of fun to follow the clues and crimes in search of the answer.

Also, I love Esther. She's such a great character and seems to be a total trouble magnet. And so funny. Plus she's already showing growth and this is only the second book. The only problem is that, although she's making new friends and contacts along the way, it's not great on her love life. 😣

But the title, Doppelgangster, is so cool.

I'm loving this series. It's so awesome that I can't wait to read the rest.

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