
Sunday, 1 November 2020

NaNoWriMo is here!


That's right! It's that time of the year and I'm EXCITED!!

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo 2020 and I got stuck into my story first thing this morning. 😃 

My plan for the first day was to get stuck into the first chapter and get a feel for the main character and where the story was going, so I didn't have a particular word count in mind. 

I've had a great time with NaNoPrep but I've been itching to get started... 

And this is how I did: 

I wasn't expecting or planning to write this many words but as soon as I sat down, my main character started talking and wouldn't stop. I forced myself to stop mid-Chapter Two because there was more to tell but it's great to stop in the middle of something so it's easier to get stuck into it tomorrow.

There you go, there's a first draft tip I always use.

Anyway, about the actual story. This is an idea I've been carrying around for a while and it's FINALLY time for Destiny to go on her road trip to solve a weird case and discover a bunch of other (shocking) stuff along the way. 

Yeah. It's another story featuring monsters. 😉

If you're doing NaNo too and want to be buddies, my name is YolandaS

Well, good luck! Happy writing! And have a good one!

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