
Friday, 16 October 2020

I signed up!

That's right. It's that time of the year again! And that means I signed up for NaNoWriMo 2020


This year, there were two story possibilities for me to consider. But it didn't take long to pick the one that was most ready to be told. After all, this one has been on my Possible NaNo Project List for the past two years. 😏

Here's the description I posted on the website:

When she's hired to find a missing 'person', it leads her to a ghost town full of monsters. And a dangerous adventure of self-discovery. 

This is an idea I can't wait to get stuck into because I've carried this character and her creepy world around for a (long) while. There's a lot of creepy shit going down in this story and it features some of my most fave horror tropes. 😈

Anyway, as you can probably tell, I'm really excited about this new WIP. 

Now I've got a few weeks of NaNoPrep ahead of me, and that's definitely enough time to go through my inspirational pics, think, take notes and get lots of brainstorming done.

Are you taking part?

Have a great weekend!

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