
Sunday, 9 August 2020

MEG by Steve Alten

Meg (Meg, #1)
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed The MEG movie starring Jason Statham, and have been interested in checking out the book for a while.

Jonas Taylor is a professor and paleo-biologist. He's former Navy, a deep-sea diver and is married to a self-centered woman who clearly can't stand him. He's also suffering from PTSD and is obsessed with the Carcharodon megalodon, which he's sure is still out there...

Yikes. That was a lot of violent fun!

I liked this book from the moment I got stuck into it. Jonas is a great character because he's flawed, troubled and misunderstood. Not to mention determined to spread the word about a prehistoric shark he's sure has survived and still lives deep beneath the ocean. Even though people ridicule him, refuse to believe his claims, and are too keen to prove him wrong.

Of course, this turns out to be a recipe for disaster. Mostly for everyone who refuses to listen to his warnings.

The imagery is so vivid and the tension captured my imagination throughout. Once the expedition gets started, everything escalates pretty quickly and goes off the aquatic charts.

I loved how the tension built a bit more with each chapter. And I have to admit that although the Meg was callous, relentless and fucking terrifying, I really enjoyed seeing the action unfold through her POV. She was a vicious creature. She was also a lot of gory fun to follow around. 🦈

This is actually a great adventure story and I enjoyed it on so many levels.

In fact, my only beef was how annoying it gets when every woman is introduced as being 'good looking'. That got old pretty fast, but I suppose it's expected from a book written by a man in the 90s. 😁 Besides, it was easy enough to forget about this pesky annoyance because the most important female in this book is Meg.

I had a great time reading this story, and enjoyed it as much as I hoped I would. 

I have a weakness for giant monster stories.

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