
Friday, 19 June 2020

SLIMER by Harry Adam Knight

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was in the mood for a shorter horror book to read at night, and because I think the cover rocks and the blurb sounded interesting, I got stuck into this last night.

When three couples find themselves on a lifeboat after their yacht sinks, these six drug smugglers stumble upon an oil rig in the middle of the ocean. Except, once they get inside, they find a bunch of labs and piles of clothing. And there's no one around.

Well, except for the black slime...

Man, reading this book was like watching an 80s sci-fi horror movie on VHS. It was full of annoying characters who keep splitting up, girls who take their clothes off at the drop of a hat, the sexist guy who thinks with the wrong head, pseudo-science shit, scientists messing with crap they shouldn't, girls who totally get it but no one listens to, and a creepy monster that refuses to fucking die.

It's graphic in every aspect, and tense as hell. The claustrophobic feel of the corridors inside that oil rig totally set the mood for a creature able to shift its appearance. And the whole drug angle ended up fitting in a bizarre and somewhat comical kind of way.

As far as the characters go, I mostly liked all of them but that shitty Alex. He was an odious being. I hated him more than the actual monster. Paul and Linda (hey, I know a famous couple named Paul and Linda!) were my faves from the beginning. They didn't disappoint, but did surprise me quite a bit.

This story turned out to be quite a fun and fast-paced horror caper that hooked me with the premise, kept me there with the freaky gore, and took me on an unexpected ride.

I really enjoyed this!

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