
Sunday, 3 May 2020

A Finished WIP!

Hey! How's it going?

It's another week in Insane Land. Where, not only are we still in the middle of a pandemic, but morons are starting to get so frustrated/bored about staying home to SAVE LIVES that they're protesting about it. I seriously don't understand WTF is wrong with some people. 😤

Seriously, WTF? Things aren't getting any better, are they?

Sure, here in Australia, the rate of infection is low at the moment but I'm scared that because of this, the government will start opening things too fast and we'll end up in a worse spot. I mean, no matter how bored people are or how the economy is struggling, Covid-19 is still out there. Just because people complain and governments want to get the economy going again, it doesn't mean the virus is gone.

It's STILL there.

We're walking a tightrope and there's no net. No direct treatment. No vaccine. No immunity. We can't wish this away.

Anyway, enough about that infuriating crap. What have you been up to? I spent the beginning of the week finishing the story I was writing.

Here's how I went:
  • Monday: 19,755 (added 1997w)
  • Tuesday: 20,333 (added 578w)

That's right. The first draft is done! Yay. 😃

I'm really excited about this novella because it turned out even better than I imagined. There were some unexpected twists and turns, characters I didn't plan on, and a dark new world to explore. Plus, robots.

I've already started a Revision List that'll deepen a bunch of connections and help foreshadow some important plot points.

But I'm taking this week off. I want a bit of time away from it before hitting the second and third drafts. Instead, I plan to take more notes and read up a storm.

Actually, I've read quite a few great books on my Paperwhite this week:
(I also, unfortunately, DNFd SUNSHINE by Robin McKinley, which is a book I'd been meaning to read for ages.)

Hoping to read more awesome books this week. 😃

Well, that's it for now. Not much else to report, just that I've been enjoying sitting next to hubby while reading and he plays ANIMAL CROSSING. And that we've gotten a few things done around the house, keep going for nice walks and are still enjoying yoga. Plus, we got our flu shots!

There's plenty to do around here. Actually, even now, I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything.

Hope you all have a great week!

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