
Monday, 10 February 2020

PATIENT K by Barbie Wilde

Patient K (Short Sharp Shocks! Book 1)
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoy reading stories from the Short Sharp Shocks! horror series, so I was really excited about reading one written by Barbie Wilde.

Karla lost an eye during a childhood accident and has spent most of her life getting different artificial eyes fitted. But when she meets Dr Markham to have a new ocular prosthesis fitted, he betrays her trust in the worst way possible...

Yikes! What a great little macabre tale of revenge. The kind of revenge that makes you cheer for the victim every violent step of the way.

No one writes a pervert quite like Barbie Wilde, and she didn't disappoint here. In this story she created a horrible perv of the worst kind, one who uses medicine and vulnerability to prey on his victims. But lucky for us, she can also write quite the strong woman who responds to the abuse by taking us down a very twisted path.

Mix in a ghostly entity with their own agenda, and you have a very entertaining and intense story. Plus I liked the writing style and how everything starts out simple enough, before the bizarre takes over.

I read it in one sitting and really liked the way things turned out.

Sometimes, arrogant monsters do meet their match. And it's oh-so satisfying.

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