
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

NaNoWriMo: Week Three

Hey! How's everyone?

Well, the third week of NaNoWriMo has only just begun but since I finished my WIP today, I thought I'd blog about it.

That's right! The first draft of NEON is finished, and I'm SO excited. 😁🎉

This is the 13th time I've won NaNoWriMo! Yay.

So, here's this week's word count:
  • Saturday: 58,113 (added 3012w)
  • Sunday: 61,167 (added 3054w)
  • Monday: 63,532 (added 2365w)
  • Tuesday: 66,181 (added 2649w)

As you can see, compared to last week, the daily word count totals went down a bit. That always happens when I reach the backend of a story and everything becomes a total frenzy of words and thoughts colliding with each other.

This means that a lot of what I wrote ended up being bare bones. But that's okay, because first and foremost, it's all about getting the words out of my head. I can fix everything later.

So, today I went back and re-read the last three chapters and added the stuff I left out, and/or thought about aftwerwards.

It happens every time.

Writing this story turned out to be an awesome and really fun experience. It started out as an unconventional horror with some SF elements and a love story at its core. But ended up a lot deeper, more twisty and full of 80s goodness.

I always envisioned this story to be just like those 80s straight-to-VHS horror/action movies I loved watching as a kid. And I'm super excited because it translated pretty well. It's also full of some unexpected surprises, which is always a great thing.

It's funny that a tale I thought might be a novella turned out to be the longest first draft I've written this year.

Well, there you have it. NaNoWriMo is done. I wrote one more novel before the end of the year. And my brain no longer has to hold onto everything about this particular idea.

Not until revision time. LOL.

Anyway, I'm very happy right now. And I need a mental break. Plus some reading time. Definitely need some of that.

Have an awesome week!

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