
Friday, 8 November 2019

NaNoWriMo: Week One

Well, the first week of NaNoWriMo is over and I'm really happy with my progress.

After taking the weekend off, I spent this week adding words to my WIP. And I have to admit that I'm having an awesome time writing this story because it's coming together pretty well. Not only are my chapter notes fuelling each day, but so is the new stuff that keeps popping up.

This kind of thing always happens. The bare bones are there on paper for me to follow but once I sit at my desk, that's when the real magic happens. 😃

So, here's this week's word count:
  • Monday: 11,151 (added 5125w)
  • Tuesday: 15,375 (added 4224w)
  • Wednesday: 20,440 (added 5065w)
  • Thursday: 26,189 (added 5749w)
  • Friday: 30,367 (added 4178w)

This idea is so ready to be told that everything is tumbling out pretty quickly, which is awesome.

The cool thing about this story is that I was pretty sure I knew the path I was going to take but the more I write, the more I realise there's an even better way to tell this tale.

Another thing that surprised me is the addition of several unexpected characters. They popped in while writing and have turned out to be quite important to the overall story. Not to mention how strong the sisterhood between these characters is turning out.

I'm having a great time writing this, which might be a bit strange since my main character's going through some serious heartbreak, paranoia and the confusion is really screwing up her sense of reality. But at the same time, it's all so unusual and surprisingly wonderful.

It's also full of 80s tropes. But I'm not forcing them in, they're coming quite naturally. 

Well, at the moment I still LOVE everything about this story, and I hope that continues until I reach the end.

The only problem is that because I'm SO caught up in my own story, my reading has taken a bit of a backseat.

Have a great weekend!

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