
Sunday 24 February 2019

Days Full of Words

Well, the weather in Sydney really sucks at the moment. I mean, summer isn't even over yet but this past week the temperature has dropped dramatically and it's rained continuously. Ugh.

Still, I didn't let it get to me. Much. LOL.

I can take a few days of rain, but more than that and it starts to grate on my nerves. It messes with my mood and if it starts getting in the way of my walking routine, then I get grumpy. I just hope the sun returns soon. Very soon.

Anyway, enough about the damn weather.

Let's talk about WORDS. Something else this past week has been full of. Both of the reading, and the writing kind 😊

As far as the reading goes, the week turned out to be a bit wonky. I DNFd two ARCs (this & this), read a highly-anticipated book that turned out to be a total disappointment. Read an incredibly AWESOME book I adored and a short story that was pretty mediocre.

But, another ARC I wasn't sure I would even enjoy totally hooked me in from the beginning. Can't wait to see how it all turns out...

Now it's time to chat about the writing. Something that fills me with a lot of joy--in spite of getting another anthology rejection. 😌

I did a lot of thinking and scribbling about a certain story I suspect might end up being another novelette. So much that I started the story. By Friday I'd handwritten the first two chapters in a notebook.

Then on Saturday, I woke up with the beginning of a new short story idea! One that came out of nowhere and demaded to be written. It featured one of my older (and very beloved) characters. Do you remember Sierra Fox? I know! I'm as shocked as you are. I wasn't expecting her to speak to me again. Not after the whole Samhain Publishing fiasco and how it affected me. 😟

I spent the day writing the story on my phone's QuickMemo app. Started in the morning and kept adding words whenever I could. And since we had such a relaxing day, every time we sat down to watch some Judge Judy on YouTube, I added new words.

By 11pm, the first draft of this prequel story was done. A total of 4,032 words. Yay.

It's so exciting to be this full of words and different stories, because I feel SO inspired at the moment. Spending time on different ideas is very rewarding.

I'm hoping to do much of the same this week.

Oh and before I go, last weekend we watched (or is that, binged?THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY on Netflix. And it was SO effing fantastic! I actually caught up on the comic book recently so everything was still fresh in my mind. And even though there were changes, this was an amazing adaptation. I adore the Hargreeves kids. This series is odd and dark, and the show captured the essence perfectly.

Whoa. I went on for a bit, didn't I? Looks like I had a lot to say, but I think it's time to bring this to an end. Like the post title says, it's all about words. 😉

Have a great week!

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