
Friday, 2 November 2018

NaNoWriMo: Week One

Well, it's hard to believe... but it's that time of the year again. Yep, I'm talking about NaNoWriMo. Of course. 😊

It's time to squeeze in one more novel WIP before the year is over. Time to join a bunch of people from all over the world as we string words together until we reach the goal of 50,000 words. Or reach the end of what will (hopefully) become a first draft. Yay!

This year, the 1st of November didn't hit until Thursday, so I spent the first half of the week taking notes and getting a feel for the story. And was (pleasantly) surprised when I managed to map skeleton notes for the whole book. What? 😳

Usually, as long as I have the first three-five chapters figured out before starting, I'm cool. But this story just came together better than I expected.

So, here's my first word count update:
  • Thursday: 5,626w
  • Friday: 10,136w (added 4510w)

I was aiming for 6,000 words by the end of the week, but this is even better. That's four chapters almost written. I say almost because I stopped in the middle of Chapter 4 on purpose.

The tentative title for this book is Madness, and is a psychological YA horror story about a girl who's life is turned upside down by the monsters living in her new house. The challenge with this WIP is two alternating POVs that connect the past & present to reveal the horrifying events.

I'm actually enjoying this new challenge, and how well it helps the story reveal itself. I love dropping breadcrumbs along the way, as well as fairy tale references.

Looking forward to adding more words. Plus I love how the story is already dropping hints I didn't initially add to the chapter notes. I knew this would happen!

You know what else happened this week? We enjoyed Halloween, and even went to watch the movie on Saturday. It was SO GOOD! An honest and fun sequel with plenty of nods at the original, and unexpected angles. Loved it!

Oh, and our daughter finished her HSC exams. That means she's graduated high school, has completed her HSC and will now take a breather. As well as take extra shifts at work, and read. Not to mention play games, as well as just breathe without having a new assignment or test to prepare for. Congrats to her!

Well, that's it for this week. As usual, I'll be taking the weekend off so I can spend time with hubby.

Have an awesome one! 😀

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