
Friday, 7 September 2018

Current WIP: Week One

Hi! How are you? Are you having a nice week? I started a new WIP, and I couldn't be happier.

If you've been reading my posts this year then you know that between short story writing, real life stuff, completing several detailed drafts of a novel and (totally) cluttered brain, I haven't had the chance to lose myself in a new world. And I've missed that!

I haven't started anything new for MONTHS and I was itching to get started. I'm not kidding. The way the story poured out through my fingertips only confirms how excited I was to start this. 

Here's my first w/c progress:
  • Monday: 4,647w 
  • Tuesday: 9,105 (added 4458w) 
  • Wednesday: 14,253 (added 5148w) 
  • Thursday: 18,801 (added 4548w) 
  • Friday: 22,151 (added 3350w)

I can't believe that this time last week all I had were a bunch of notes and scattered ideas. Now I have 59 pages of a new book written. And a bunch of scattered ideas. That hasn't changed.

So, what's this story about? Well, Monsters (let's dub it that) is a YA horror with a slant towards monster mythology (obviously). It's a story about a family suffering through a really bad time. It's a bit of a tragedy. It's horrific. It's surreal.

It's so much fun!

I'm aiming for 50-70k. Not sure where the first draft will end up, but I'll just keep writing until it's done. So far the story is moving along well. 😃👍

Now it's time to take the weekend off. I'm hoping to relax with hubby, squeeze in a bit of reading, and hopefully take a few notes while the story is simmering in the back of my head.

Have a great weekend!

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