
Sunday, 1 July 2018

Restless Mind


The weeks are sure moving fast. But at the moment, I don't mind so much because after this week, hubby has a two-week break. Yay. 😊

This also means that my restless mind didn't want to get stuck into a new first draft, or revision. Not until AFTER the leave. 

It's why I can't even settle on what my next project should be. I keep wandering from one possibility to another. Eyeing possible anthologies to sub to, reading more than one book at a time, thinking about the many ideas hounding my brain... All while that pesky urban legend book I wrote last year keeps whispering inside my head because it's ready for the next draft stage.

So yeah. I'm at that point where I want to work on EVERYTHING AT THE SAME TIME. But end up working on nothing. 😰

But that's okay. This state of mind has given me the chance to get several non-writing projects out of the way. And getting a bunch of reading done is always good, too.

One of the things I FINALLY crossed off my to-do list (after being on there for most of the year) is a photo-sorting & update-USB project. Two connected very time consuming personal projects I decided to get stuck into. It took most of last week--just like I thought it would--but now it's done. 

Feels so good to have accomplished this after months of carrying it forward. 

Hey, did you guys watch the Westworld S2 finale? Wow. This show is just so amazing. I love shows (also movies & books) that  aren't linear and encourage the audience to solve mysteries and analyse information. Can't wait to see where the next season takes us.

Oh, and I'm super happy to report that since ending our yoga hiatus last month, we've been doing 2 workouts a week and it feels so good.

I seriously don't know why we paused in the first place. *scratches head*

Well, that's about it for now. Not much writing progress to report, no new words to report, no revision page counts to keep tabs of. Just me getting smaller things done before having a nice break with hubby and daughter.

See ya!

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