
Friday, 16 March 2018

Revision Continued

As I mentioned last week, I'm once again in Revision Town. And after taking the weekend off, on Monday I grabbed my Paperwhite, scrappy papers and laptop to get stuck into the last bit of the novel.

I actually reached The End on Tuesday afternoon, but then had to deal with a rep word list, last-minute stuff list, and a bunch of ideas inside my head. So I kept going and by Thursday afternoon, I was happy to finally call this draft DONE.

By this stage I would usually be finished with the story, but not this novel. SO MUCH has changed since the first draft that while the heart of the story is still the same, it's now set somewhere else, several threads were completely cut, the last few chapters are different, and a bunch of new things were added. Not to mention making it as creepy as possible.

I even cut over 3k words! Words that I'm glad are gone. The total word count has now dipped below 80k and I'm okay with that.

Like I told hubby the other day, I finally (really) like the first chapter. It captures everything I wanted to portray, and sets off the rest of the freaky journey just how I wanted it to. I had a certain vision for this book, and took a bit longer to craft.

Now that this draft is done, I'm going to put it aside for a week or two. Then I'll read the book from start to finish one last time.

In the meantime I might write the synopsis, clear my head, indulge in other ideas and read. My head's been so clogged up with this story that it's constantly tickling the back of my mind. Even while I'm sleeping. Oh, plus, I haven't read anything that wasn't my own story for TWO WEEKS! O.o

Asides from all this proofreading, we watched the second season of Jessica Jones. And it was AMAZING. So raw, messy, complicated and heartbreaking. I absolutely love this series. It's actually (apart from Daredevil S1 and 1st half of S2) the only Marvel show I can stand. My fave by miles.

Anyway, that's what I did this week.

Have a nice weekend!

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