
Tuesday 24 October 2017

I signed up!

That's right. I finally got around to doing it!

Yesterday, I officially signed up for NaNoWriMo 2017

I originally planned to do this last week, but I was busy sorting my stationery and reorganising one of my bookshelves. I also went through my review TBR pile, updated my pics, photos + files. I even (finally) got a chance to get back into reading, by finishing an amazing book called STALKING JACK THE RIPPER.

Oh, and I needed a bit of extra time to  just think. To make sure the idea I'd picked was the loudest/right one. And... it is! Yay.

This is the description I posted on my Novel description page over at the NaNoWriMo website:

A YA summer thriller with whimsical SF elements. 

It's kinda like The X-Files meets Stranger Things with a good dose of Roswell

But mostly, it's the story of a not-so ordinary girl.

I'm starting to get really excited about this story. There are a bunch of scenes already swirling around inside my head. I have a bunch of inspirational pics on my phone that really get me in the zone. Plus I've already taken a bunch of notes.

This week I plan to write MORE notes.

I'm gonna fill my head with the story and the characters. I want to be immersed so that I'll be ready to start the novel on the 1st of November. Plus I'll be fitting in some reading, and will be watching a few movies. Not to mention sorting my Idea pics.

You know, things that inspire me. :)

So, are you taking part?

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