
Saturday, 20 May 2017

Thinking Ideas

Last week I posted this tweet:

While that's totally true, shortly after posting it, I realised that since my daughter went back to school several weeks ago, I haven't started writing anything new. Asides from book reviews, that is.

So, I decided to write a blog post.  :)

The main reason why I haven't gotten stuck into anything new is because I've got a bunch of ideas, thoughts, scenes, characters, etc. crowding my brain. At the same time. 

Unfortunately, when that happens, I get so cluttered that I can't settle on a single project because I want to write EVERY STORY RIGHT NOW. o.O And of course I can't. It kinda sucks, but it's all part of my process. And I'm not going to stress about it.

Instead, I've been filling my days with reading, writing reviews, sorting and real-life stuff. But I also pulled out my Idea Folder and Idea Notebooks, to start combing through the most immediate and loud ones. The weird thing is, that one of the strongest is a newish idea that hit me upside the head a few weekends ago. Bizarre, but true.

I'm actually having a good time picking out names, inspirational pics, researching and taking notes for the two loudest ideas. I also pulled out my Moleskine planner and made a rough plan about what to work on and when. It's flexible, but if I write down my goals, it'll at least help me stay focused on one particular project at a time.

I'm just happy that the ideas keep coming. Even if they try to overwhelm me, having to sort through a bunch of them is better than not having any at all.

Have a great weekend!

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