
Friday, 18 November 2016

NaNoWriMo: Week Three

Can you believe the third week of NaNoWriMo is almost over? O.o And of course, that means that November is moving too darn fast.


I have to admit that as far as my WIP goes, I started the week pretty well. I mean, I crossed the 50,000-word target on Monday--yay!--but I kept going because the story wasn't done.

So, here's how the week shaped up:
  • Monday: 52,882
  • Tuesday: 56,888
  • Wednesday: 62,312
  • Thursday: 65,640
  • Friday: 67,763
This week was a crazed-writing fest!

Seriously, this story consumed my brain so much it was all I could think about. All the time. And even when I wasn't actually thinking about it, stuff was going on in the back of my mind. So many puzzle pieces falling into place and suddenly fitting together.

I love when that happens! Even if it means that I didn't read anything. No, wait, I did read a great book over the weekend. :)

Anyway. I almost forgot to mention the most important thing... TODAY I FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT! *throws confetti*

That's right. The first draft of my creepy story about a peculiar town, a group of friends & their strange secrets is complete. Well, the first draft is. And I'm very excited!

Now it's time to let it rest for a bit. But I'll probably start taking revision notes soon... Oh, who am I kidding? I've already got pen & notebook ready to go.

But this weekend, I rest my brain!

Have a good one. I know I hope to... which shouldn't be as hard as last weekend. When we got a new toilet and couldn't use it properly for 24 hours. LOL.

See ya!

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