
Monday, 1 June 2015

New week, new month...

Whoa. It's been another very busy couple of weeks!
As you probably noticed, last week the fourth book in my SFR RECAST series was released. Yay. To help celebrate the occasion, I stopped by a few places to chat about robots and answer some cool questions. It was a lot of fun, and I hope that you all now understand just how deeply I love robots, AI, androids, cyborgs... ;)
I have a soft spot for them. Always did.

If you missed any stops, you can catch up on all of them HERE. I'd like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who had me over. You all helped make New Release Week a lot of fun!
But celebrating my latest new release from Samhain Publishing isn't the only thing I've been doing. Nope, I've been busy finishing up another project.
That's right. WILLOW is finished. *happy dance*

The second Sierra Fox spin-off novel is done & DONE! It took me about a week to read the final version on my Paperwhite, and several more days to wrap things up because I kept tweaking stuff. All small things, but definitely important to finalise the story. I just wanted every single thread to be tied, didn't want to leave anything hanging in the breeze. After all, this is probably (never say never) the last story I'll write in Sierra's world. So it wasn't just about tidying up Willow's story, the other characters needed to be mentioned too.
I even wrote the synopsis and updated the Series Bible. Ended up being more work than expected, but it was very much worth it. I can't believe Lavie and Willow are both done. These are stories that I've wanted to tell for a while. Even before Sierra's last book was written, I knew these ladies had their own tales to tell.
Only thing is that I won't be submitting this book to my editor yet. Not until I hear back about Lavie. For obvious reasons, I don't want to get ahead of myself. The main thing is that it's totally done. :)
So, remember how I mentioned I started watching CW's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST? Well, I've got THREE episodes left of Season 2. Yeah, this is a very addictive show that I've been binge watching during my lunch breaks and as a reward for getting work done. So, I'm almost caught up. Which means that when Season 3 starts on June 11, I'll be ready. Have you seen this show? It really is amazing. I love the characters and the story just keeps getting deeper and deeper into the beast mythology. I'm looking forward to seeing the show's next direction...
Last week I even managed to catch up on the library books I borrowed a few weeks ago but couldn't read because I was totally consumed with Willow's world. When I get to that stage of the story, where everything is soooo close to being over, I can't shift out of it until the book is done!
I think I'll read review books this week. I have two YA books that I received--fantasy and contemporary--and it's time to give them a go.
This week is going to be all about watching, reading, brainstorming and taking a deep breath. But next week, I'm hoping to get stuck into some new writing...
Well, that's pretty much it. Life is super busy, and I can't believe it's already June! Ouch.

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