
Thursday, 26 February 2015

SHE-HULK #7 by Charles Soule, Javier Pulido & Mutsa Vicente

She-Hulk #7 by Charles Soule
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hallelujah! That other artist is gone and Pulido's back. Phew.

The artwork is back to being lovely, shiny, and the page spreads are beautiful. And She-Hulk is once again looking like the Green Goddess she is. :)

So, the story. Patsy and Jennifer are in Rufus's lab. He happens to be a guy whose business is located in the same building as Jennifer's. Anyway, he's showing them one of his creations: the Shrinko. A device that can make things small. Except, his partner's upset at the moment and decided to use it on himself. And if they don't find him soon, he'll blow up. At least that's what Hank Pym reckons. So with Ant-Man in tow, Hellcat accompanies She-Hulk into a treacherous backyard.

And that ending. Whoa.

I loved this story. It was fun and suspenseful, plus it look SO PRETTY! Only problem I had with it was cats becoming villains. Boo.

We're back to 5-star ratings, baby. ;)

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