
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

SHE-HULK #2 by Charles Soule, Javier Pulido, Mutsa Vicente

She-Hulk #2 (She-Hulk, Vol. 3, #2)She-Hulk #2 by Charles Soule
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After getting a surprise payment at the end of last issue, Jennifer has opened her own practice. But she doesn't have any clients. She also doesn't have any staff. Of course that changes when she hires a woman called Angie, who happens to have a monkey. And this monkey goes everywhere with her, even to the office.


Anyway, because things aren't going so well, she decides to go out for the night and meets up with her friend Patsy Walker, who also happens to be Hellcat! They both drink a lot and Patsy ends up getting drunk and irritated. She then drags She-Hulk to a warehouse, where they end up facing some action.

The next day, when she gets to the office, she finds an unexpected would-be client. But I wonder if she can actually trust this guy?

Another great issue. Love how this story is developing, and some of the pages were stunning. This is a seriously gorgeous series.

I love She-Hulk. She cracks me up.

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