
Friday, 27 February 2015

SHE-HULK #10 by Charles Soule, Javier Pulido & Mutsa Vicente

She-Hulk #10 by Charles Soule
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ah, this issue is the conclusion to the Captain America Courtroom Saga. And I really, really enjoyed it! That Steve Rogers sure is a clever chap, no matter how old he is. BTW, I found out that he (somehow) lost his super soldier serum and that's why he aged. Ouch. Don't know if he will eventually get it back, but this little side story was super cool and interesting.

Everything wasn't as it seemed, and Fogler's deathbed confession wasn't exactly accurate. It was fun to see the Cap's past catch up with him. Someone's trying to tarnish his legacy, but I'm sure She-Hulk and Daredevil made sure that doesn't happen. ;)

Anyway, another great issue!

I just hope we get back to that Blue File now...

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