
Sunday, 15 February 2015

SAGA, Volume 1 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples

Saga, Volume 1 (Saga #1-6)Saga, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hubby borrowed this comic book from the library, and it grabbed my attention. I mean, come on, the cover features a horned guy, and a winged woman breastfeeding her baby! That's pretty brazen. And cool.

Anyway, I picked it up today and wound up reading the whole thing in one sitting. It's that good. Seriously.

The story starts with Alana giving birth while Marko delivers the baby. They're supposed to have the place to themselves for a while, but of course don't. Still, they manage to escape but now have a whole bunch of people after them. Including the freaky freelancer, The Stalk. As well as The Will and his cool Lying Cat. Not to mention the Prince Robot IV.

When The Stalk almost kills Marko, Alana has no choice but to trust a ghost. But outside forces aren't the only things in their way to finding a way off the dangerous planet...

I really enjoyed the first volume of this very intriguing story. It's an awesome blend of Fantasy and Sci-Fi, with a bit of eroticism thrown in. It's also a love story between two enemies that just want to be left alone with their baby. I also liked the baby's POV, and the other stories threaded through Alana and Marko's tale.

This is a unique book with some very unusual creatures, freaky situations, and awesome artwork.

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