
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Trying to break a bad (no) blogging habit...

OMG! Asides from book reviews and blog hops, I haven't posted an update since the beginning of June! Can you believe that? O.o
Time sure flies when you get stuck into several projects, keep reading good books, enjoy yourself, and take a few weeks off...
Okay, the last instalment in my Sierra Fox series, which is called A STITCH ON TIME, is now finished and ready for its October release. I read the final proof a few weeks ago and received the final copies the other day, so I won't be reading it again until I get the print proof.
Writing this series has been an amazing rollercoaster ride for both the characters and myself. I LOVE urban fantasy and wanted to write my own series in this genre. And, I've always been fascinated with ghosts, so coupling that with this genre  produced some very freaky storylines. Having the series published by Samhain Publishing was the icing on the cake! Because I ended up working with an amazingly talented editor who helped enhance my story. Holly rocks!
I love Sierra & Co. so the final read was bittersweet. But I know I won't be leaving this world entirely just yet, because I've got a few spin-off novels I'd like to write and even a secret story that I've been working on but will not talk about. *whistles*

But enough about that.

Hubby went back to work yesterday, and my daughter went back to school today. They both had a 2-week break, and it was AWESOME! We hung out together and went to a few places, enjoyed many walks, and they were home to celebrate my birthday on the 7th. Yay. It was SO much fun that I didn't want it to end. And even now, it feels weird to be alone with Loki. Actually, even Loki showed some signs of confusion. I think he got used to having hubby home and didn't want him to go back to work. Can't say I blame him. LOL.


Now that everything has gone back to normal and winter seems to be in full swing--it's so cold right now--I guess I should start making some goals. Well, not this week. This week I want to take it easy and get back into the swing of things. I'll catch up on some reading, update some online stuff, write a synopsis, and maybe even take some notes for future projects. I also need to start scheduling a few guest blog spots for the upcoming release of RECAST, Volume 1 and Sierra Fox #5.

I think 4 days should be enough to get my frame of mind back on the writing/revising track. Well, it better be because I intend to spend next week reading the 50k story I finished last month one last time before subbing it. That's my main goal for this month! Next month, I'm actually hoping to get stuck into some new writing. Fingers crossed.

Okay, that's it for now. But like I mentioned in the title... I really have to stop neglecting my blog. There used to be a time when blogging here was part of my daily schedule. Wonder what changed? *scratches head and thinks of Twitter*

See ya!

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