
Friday 20 December 2013


I get up super early with hubby every morning, and while we were having breakfast yesterday I noticed that the moon was huge and bright. So I decided to step outside on the balcony to take a picture of it.

And that's when I noticed the moon had a friend. Turns out it was Jupiter beside the moon. Very cool. I'm glad I captured it.
Anyway, wow, what a busy couple of weeks. Yikes!
Last week I worked on the FLE for TORN FROM THE SHADOWS, which took up most of my weekdays. And this week I got stuck into the Final Proof. As of this morning, I've sent off the last changes to my lovely editor. I'm really looking forward to getting the final books.
You know, it's really exciting to get this book finished and ready for publication. But it's also a little sad. This happens to be the penultimate instalment in my Sierra Fox series and it's filled with a lot of stuff that still made me beam with joy and sadness while I was reading it again. I suppose that's a good sign, after reading it so many times for revision and editing purposes. LOL.
I've also been reading at night, catching up on some review books and enjoying many of the books I have on my TBR pile. It never gets any smaller, though. ;)
Well, my daughter's now officially on school holidays and doesn't go back until the end of January. O_o That's a long way away. And although I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the year--man, it always feels weird to say that--I need to start planning out my 2014 writing projects.
I'm just glad it's almost the weekend.
Have a good one!

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