
Friday, 23 November 2012

NaNoWriMo: Day 23

Um... yeah, I've been a super bad blogger. :(
This month is just turning out to be insane. My head's filled with Sierra stuff, and every spare moment I have is spent typing away like a madwoman. I'm so into this story that I didn't even have time to blog over here last Friday, which I really wanted to do because...
I reached 50,000 words on the 16th of this month. Yay! So exciting.
It's awesome to have reached my NaNoWriMo goal once again, but my novel's not done yet. I'm still writing Sierra Fox #4. Actually, as of the end of today's session, my word count is now: 71,130.
I'm getting close to the end, but not quite. I reckon the first draft should be finished by this time next week. The great thing is that I know exactly what's left to write, as well as how the story ends. I think this one might end up  being a little on the cliffhangerish side. I don't think that's too bad, considering the book that follows will be the last in Sierra's series. Right? ;)

Oh, and on an awesome note... I just found out Split at the Seams is available for pre-order at The Book Depository. That's right! The print version. I can't wait to see both of these books in print. :)

Well, I'm looking forward to taking the weekend off.

Have a good one!

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