I seriously can't believe that we've already hit June! My gosh. This means that winter's pretty much here. (Boo!) It also means that the financial year is almost over. (Yikes!) And of course, we've hit the halfway mark for this year. (WTF?)
It really doesn't feel like this year's being that productive. I mean, I know I've done a lot of revision, editing, and rewriting... but I haven't written anything new. Not really. And certainly not like I had planned at the beginning of the year. O_o
Oh well. Maybe the next half of the year will be a different story. Looks like I need to shuffle my 2012 goals around a little...
I spent most of yesterday on the couch with all of my Sierra Fox notes, series Bible, and research. I started putting the plot together into something that actually makes sense. I also switched the title with Book #4, and I'm generally getting super excited about getting stuck into the next book in Sierra's world. I always love spending time with her and the gang.
I have five books planned for this series, so that means there are three more to write... and I intend to have fun getting to the end of her story. :)
Anyway. Asides from that, this week has been another restful one. I've gotten some reading done, and had hubby home sick for a few days. It's not nice that he was sick and we had to visit the doctor, but I sure like spending time with him. Yeah, it's selfish, I know.
Well, that's it for now! I'm going to get lost in Sierra's world some more today, while also reading more of this awesome, kick-ass book!
Have a great weekend!
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