
Friday, 25 March 2011

Hello, it's Friday, so...

Yep. Not only is it the end of the week, and it's sunny outside, but I also surprised myself by getting the second draft of Sunny and Silver's story completed. Yay.

I got so wrapped up in their story that before I realised it, I was almost finished. And that's exactly what I did this morning. Here are the stats: 209 pages/56,784 words. Awesome.

I can now put it away for a few weeks. Then it's time for one last read-thru to make sure everything makes sense, change/delete any excess, make any last-minute tweaks, and get it ready for subbing. Phew. Not there yet, but getting very close. This is one of the things I'd like to have done during the first half of this year. :)

Now, onto something not so happy. Have you read what's going on with Dorchester now? You can read all about it here, on Brian Keene's blog. I think this is terrible, especially when he clearly and mutually severed ties with them. I mean, they're still selling his books even when they said they wouldn't... so why are they doing this, and where's the money going?

I can't believe what's happened with this publisher, and I'm sure that this author isn't the only one affected. I feel so bad for them, and I'm glad I haven't bought any Dorchester books for a long while. I do have a bunch of older horror titles--some which happen to be Brian's books--though.

Lots of strange things seem to have been going on online this week. Yikes! 

And don't forget that this Saturday is Earth Hour:

This year, Earth Hour will take place on Saturday, 26 March @8.30PM

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