
Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Just, stuff

I'm over at Watch Out with Savannah Chase today. This interview was a lot of fun!

I also got a new and great review for CHRISTMAS DAY OF THE DEAD from Horror Addicts. You can read it here. And don't forget that if you're interested, you can get a copy for 99c from Damnation Books.

Well, I've been feeling a little crappy during the last few days. I've had a constant pain on my left side (from top of arm to the ribcage) for several days now, and it's been making me sluggish and sore. It's an awkward pain, and because of it, I haven't been able to lift any weights or do any yoga. I've been resting and napping a lot. :/

It seems to be a lot less painful, but I still need to be careful so that I don't make it start to hurt all over again. :( I'll probably have to put off any weights until next week, but would like to tackle yoga at the end of the week. It always helps stretch the muscles and get a little more energy. I'll see how I go.

I haven't done any other writing stuff since Monday. *gasp*

Well, I've been thinking about it. A lot. And I've been reading heaps. I finished an awesome urban fantasy book yesterday (check below) and got stuck into PRETTY LITTLE LIARS by Sara Shepard right away. I'm really enjoying it. Seriously. I haven't read a story about teenage girls behaving this badly for a while now, and I'm enjoying every moment of it, lol. It's a lot of wicked fun!

I'll probably spend the rest of the day reading, and might even decide to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas with my daughter, which is a bit of a tradition for us. We watch it every year.

Oh, and before I go, Michele Hauf--who happens to be an awesome author--is giving away a PDF copy of her short story, THE SIN EATER'S PROMISE. You can get it from here.

That's it for today. Check back in tomorrow, when I'll be posting my newest (and most awesome) Sci-Fi cover! ;)

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