
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Getting into the flow...

Yeah, that's how I'm feeling at the moment. Well, it's either that, or exactly how the monkey on the left feels. lmao.

I have to admit that my first day of NaNo-slash-editing worked out quite well. Here are the stats:
  • NaNo word count: 3,560
  • First round edits page count: 23/87
I managed to go over both of my daily goals for Monday, which is totally awesome. I hope I can keep it up all week.

The best way to (try to) achieve this is by getting stuck into the NaNo writing as soon as hubby leaves for work in the morning (6am), and keep going until my daughter wakes up. Then, it's time to get her ready for school, squeeze in a little blogging, and a few other domestic things, before heading out. I drop her off at school, plug in my MP3 player and listen to some music while I go for my walk around the river. As soon as I get back home, I sit down in front of the computer with a snack and work on edits for a few hours. Lunchtime hits. After lunch, I have a few more hours to add some wordage to the NaNo novel.

Phew. It doesn't leave much spare time, which makes me wonder if I'll squeeze in any reading time at all this month. Although, I did do plenty of reading last night. It's a day-by-day thing, I guess.

Well, speaking of that. I need to go now. Oh, but before I do, as of right now my word count is: 4,214. I had a pretty good run this morning. Awesome!

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