
Friday 24 September 2010

Tomorrow is my 11th Wedding Anniversary

Yay. So...

Happy Anniversary to Hubby and me! Awesome. :) Looking forward to spending a nice day together. We'll be going out for lunch, too. Probably to Sizzler. :)

Well, today, I'm over at Su Halfwerk's--Vivid Sentiments--Blog. You can check out my interview here. She had a great selection of questions to choose from, and I really enjoyed picking them, as well as answering them. :)

Check this out: My review of MONSTER HIGH is listed on the Atom Books Australia Facebook page. Yay!

Um, I still haven't gone back to Twitter.

Still a little scared to go back. I know it's probably all clear now, but I think I'll stay away until Monday. And I have to admit that it feels weird, almost like something's missing from my daily routine. :( I read that some stupid seventeen-year-old kid was responsible for the virus. Don't people have something better to do with their time? Do they really need to invest time on being evil? Seriously, I hate that! I was wondering, though... if you had something like Tweetdeck set up, did the virus still getcha? Curious.

It's Friday. My daughter's last day of school for Term 3. Starting Monday, she's got two weeks off, and doesn't go back to school until mid-October. Yikes! Wonder how it's going to be having her home while expecting/working on edits. lol.

Oh, I'll work it out. ;)

Okay... have a great weekend, guys!

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