
Monday, 13 September 2010

Cloudy Monday

*taking a deep breath*

It's the start of another week. I'm pretty sure I'm ready for it.

Anyway. I've put together a new to-do list, but have been taking care of a few last-minute things I had on my list for last week. The Sci-Fi rewrite/revision has been emailed in. All I can do now is cross my fingers. And toes, too. Oh, and try not to think about it too much. Otherwise I'll drive myself nuts and start second-guessing myself. :/

On Saturday I found out that another of the Static Movement Anthologies I've got a story in is now available from Amazon. It's the Were-What antho. So that's cool! Still a few more to go.

Well, I guess I should get stuck into the other things I'd like to get done this week. I've got my daughter home tomorrow and the day after that. Don't ask. I'm not impressed with what the school has organised instead of normal classes. At least if she stays home I can get her to read and/or work on some maths on the computer. Like I said, not impressed.

Have a great week!

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