
Monday, 21 June 2010


Hey! How's everyone doing today?

Y'know, I didn't realise that several days had passed since the last time I popped in. :/ That's been happening a bit too much, lately. But I'm kinda swamped with stuff at the moment.

As you know, I've been rewriting a Sci-Fi novella. It's going a bit slow, to be honest. But that's okay, I'm not going to rush it. I've hit page 78/129 and the word count's very close to 43k, but it's not a true indication of progress. I keep going back and forwards, as well as adding an extra POV while I'm at it.

It's very exciting, but very involved. Still, it's worth it. While I've been working on this one, I've pretty much come up with the plot for the second installment. Which is pretty cool. This story is certainly not a traditional romance, that's for sure. :)

Anyway. I had to put it aside for a few days, though. I got the second round of edits for SHADE OF GREY on Friday, and got stuck into them. I got through 240pgs in just over 24 hours, so that was pretty good. Except I was mentally exhausted and found it hard to keep my eyes open on Saturday night. Still, I managed to watch the Socceroos match.

I reckon the referees are either blind, or have something against the Aussie side. Seriously, how could Kewell get a red card? It's ridiculous! Not impressed.

Oh, and if you'd like to know what we've been watching lately, you can check it out here. Lots of anime watching. I *heart* anime.

Okay. Time to get ready to head out. I can't believe it's raining today. The sky was so clear yesterday. WTF?

See ya!

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