
Thursday, 11 March 2010

Keeping busy with the words...

Speaking of which, the novel revision is moving along quite nicely. I've stopped at page 120, which means I have 20 pages left to get to the end. Yay! I'm still debating whether to try and tackle half of that tonight, or whether I should just leave it for tomorrow... still thinking about it.

The word count's gone up a tiny bit again--59,611. My gosh, I don't know if I'll make it to 60k. But I'm not worried. It's not a priority. Getting the story revised and ready for subbing is. And I want it to be the best that it can be. :)

Did you all hear about Corey Haim? It was one of the first things I saw this morning when I checked my emails. He passed away. He was only 38 years old. So young. Though I wasn't as surprised as I should've been. See, I was a huge Corey Haim fan. From the time I saw him in The Lost Boys, I rushed out to watch anything else he made. Especially if it was with Corey Feldman. They were fun to watch, and real friends off screen. Which I thought was super cool. I was a teenager, after all. But I also knew that he had a drug problem, and it slowly killed his career. It's really sad that it eventually caught up with his life, too. :( RIP, Corey Haim.

It's really sad that so many of the people that I used to like when I was a kid and teen are slowly passing away. Too many of them left us last year, I hope it's not the same this year.

Well, it's time I head out. Have a good day!

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